Wednesday, October 2, 2024

New Release! Rescued (Imprisoned 12)

If you commit a crime on Vaharis 6, there's more than one way to work off your sentence...

Maxon worries about Sareth every time he leaves to pursue a new bounty, and his worst fear becomes reality when Sareth goes missing on Vaharis 6. While anything could have happened, Maxon believes Sareth has become the latest victim of the worst, and most corrupt, prison in the galaxy. He’s loved and wanted Sareth since before he was old enough to fully understand those feelings, and he’ll stop at nothing to get him back. The price to free him may prove high, but the true challenge will be to finally convince Sareth that the two of them are meant for each other.


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Wednesday, May 29, 2024

New Release! Exiled (Imprisoned 11)

 It's here!

Thank you, everyone, for being so kind and patient as I experienced the loss of my partner last year.

More books to come!



Buy Here or Read in KU 

 If you commit a crime on Vaharis 6, there's more than one way to work off your sentence...

Before coming to Vaharis 6, Alex was a prince. He’d been the fourteenth child of the royal house, and his family had been overthrown and slaughtered in a brutal revolution, but still, he clung to the knowledge that he had been a prince. He’d trusted the wrong person amidst the chaos of the revolt, but in the end, he had at least gotten out with his life. Now, he sits in a prison cell and waits. Everyone seems to have plans for him, but he is making plans of his own. When the day comes to bargain his way out of the prison, he jumps at the chance. He still finds himself under the control of another, but this time, his captor is going to surprise him.