Update: Newest Book and What's Coming Next
Ransomed is out now! Not sure how I forgot to post, but here it is!
I was supposed to write the 8th Shifters of Arizia book next, and I'm still working on it, but something else grabbed my imagination and ran away with it. Ramsey's story is next, and I'm about 2 chapters in at the moment. It should be out in October or November.
But my very next release is going to be a story that's been bouncing around in my head for 8 years. For those of you who have asked about Lucian over the years, you won't have to wait much longer. The sequel to Grey's Beast will be here in early October. (The blurb is rough, but I wanted to give a little tease about the story.)
Lucian accepted his fate long ago. After nearly two hundred years of being punished for daring to be born to people from two very different worlds, he’s content with the life he’s built for himself among humans. The man he once hoped to claim as his own is getting married, and Lucian is so genuinely happy for the couple he can almost ignore the lingering ache that tells him his last chance at happiness is gone.
When Thorn quite literally comes crashing into his life, Lucian discovers there are higher powers at work. Someone has decided it’s time for the brooding beast to step out of his castle and finally bask in the sunlight that’s been waiting for him just beyond the shadows. As much as Lucian hates not being in control, giving in to the whirlwind coming his way might be just what he needs.