Philip came to the land of the Faeles to ensure his brother was
happy and to secure a dowry for his sister. He knew life there would be
different, but he never imagined how different it would make him feel.
Philip knows he can’t stay, but that doesn’t mean he can’t enjoy his
time among the Faeles. He’s listened to his head his entire life, but
now his heart insists on being heard.
Garren isn’t sure he’s
going to survive the six months of Philip’s indenture. Every time he’s
around the young human, Garren wants to say and do things that make his
claim on Philip clear to all around them. The human insists he has
duties to fulfil back home, but Garren knows he’ll never be able to let
go if they exchange even one kiss. Garren didn’t imagine himself
settling down for years, but soon he may have no choice but to admit
that fate has other plans.